Canada Exports Continue to Collapse
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Canada Grains, Oilseeds, & Vegoils suffered heavily from droughts in 2021, leading to a considerable drop in exports and supply availability. At the end of the 21/22 season in Jun, exports saw some WoW volume increases in week 23, nearing 414 kmt in total. Yet, the trend slowed down and then collapsed, reaching only ~192 kmt exports in the last week of Jun, equating to 22,396 kmt less YoY. Canada exports were retreating throughout the season, and while 500 kmt+ were exported every week in Jun 21, the weekly max was 416 kmt in week 24 of 22, 94 kmt less YoY. With much better initial conditions, Canada exports might yet recover in 22/23.
Canada Jun 2022 Agricultural Exports WoW Variations
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