
Don't Let Sourcing Raw Materials Be an Obstacle to Success

Raw material sourcing presents many challenges, from quality control to cost savings. Discover the best data for maximizing profits when sourcing raw materials.

Trusted by Thousands of Agricultural Commodities Professionals

3 Steps for Smart Raw Material Sourcing with AgFlow

Plan Raw Material Sourcing

Plan Raw Material Sourcing
CFR Matrices

CFR Matrices

  • Identify the best CFR execution in seconds
  • AgFlow CFR prices series are generated by merging raw FOB quotes and raw freight prices
  • Always know where to buy at the lowest or sell at the highest prices
  • Anticipate changes in market supply & demand
  • Ensure that you mark your positions to the most efficient executions
National S&D Balance Sheets

National Supply & Demand Forecasts

  • Live updates from major agricultural agencies
  • 100% Global coverage

Optimize Materials & Freight Costs
For Your Raw Material Sourcing

Freight Indication

Intra-day Updates on Freight Rate Indications

  • 8k to 9k new rates every week
  • On 850+ routes
  • 6-month historical spot prices, 12-month forward curves
Optimize Raw Material Sourcing & Freight Costs

Monitor Crop Quality

Monitor Crop Quality for your Raw Material Sourcing

Weather Impact on Crops

  • Historical weather data series since 2014
  • 190 Weather stations & 5-Y average variation curves
  • NDVI, Soil Moisture, Temperature, Soil Water Index, & Precipitation
“There is simply no alternative out there, it’s either you collect all the data from different sources or you get AgFlow. AgFlow is the most complete spot and forward cash price data provider we could find.”
Harm de Wilde

Agri-commodity Market Analyst, Cefetra BV

AgFlow in Numbers

Commodities Tracked

New Data Points Monthly

Countries Covered


The AgFlow Method to Collect the Data You Need

Every day, we collect raw data from our network of 130+ fully vetted top-tier sources, aggregate it through proprietary state-of-the-art technology, and redistribute it across the entire Ag value chain.

The Agflow Method to Collect the Data for Commodity trading analytics