
China’s Shandong Province Boosts Grain at All Levels


Feb 10, 2023 | Agricultural Markets News

Reading time: 2 minutes

China’s Wheat – Henan and Shandong provinces are neighboring twin leaders of Wheat production in China. The planting area of ​​Wheat in Henan Province, the annual output value, and the number of farmers all rank first in China. Henan Province belongs to the temperate, subtropical monsoon climate. Sufficient sunshine in summer and autumn and a relatively mild winter climate provides favorable climatic conditions for the overwintering of Wheat seedlings and the formation of Wheat gluten and protein.

In 2020, Henan Province’s Wheat output reached 37.5 million tons, accounting for more than half of the province’s total Grain output. For a long time, Henan Province has vigorously developed water conservancy and irrigation. In 2019, the effective irrigated area was 5.3 million hectares, which covered the Wheat planting area and largely solved the problem of low rainfall in the province. Henan Province has 373,000 large and medium-sized tractors, 519,900 agricultural irrigation and drainage diesel engines, and the total power of agricultural machinery is 103,569,700 kilowatts.

From the perspective of production distribution, in 2020, the top 5 areas of Wheat planting area in Henan Province are: Zhumadian City (787.1 thousand hectares, accounting for 14% of the total Wheat planting area in Henan Province), Zhoukou City (733.8 thousand hectares, accounting for 13%), Nanyang City (726 thousand hectares, accounting for 12.8%), Shangqiu City (602.4 thousand hectares, accounting for 10.6%), and Xinxiang City (384.2 thousand hectares, accounting for 7%), having 57% of the planted area.

The top 5 regions in production are Zhoukou City (5.5 million tons, accounting for 14.6% of Henan’s total Wheat production), Zhumadian City (5.0 million tons, accounting for 13.5%), Shangqiu City (4.5 million tons, 12%), Nanyang City (4.2 million tons, 11.2%), and Xinxiang City (2.8 million tons, 7.5%).

China’s Shandong Province Boosts Grain at All Levels

China’s Wheat: Special Wheat Supporting Funds in Shandong, China

Shandong Province is located in the warm temperate zone, a semi-humid climate zone, with a mild climate and rich light and heat resources. It is one of the areas with the most suitable ecological conditions for Wheat growth in China, and it is also one of the leading Wheat-producing areas with a high yield per unit area in China. The environmental conditions in Shandong Province are suitable for the cultivation of strong-gluten and medium-gluten Wheat. Among them, Jiaodong and Shandong are ideal for the quality formation of strong-gluten and medium-gluten Wheat. High-quality gluten Wheat and high-quality medium-gluten Wheat.

In recent years, Governments at all levels in Shandong Province have issued several preferential policies to encourage Grain production and allocated special funds to support Wheat production, such as the national new Grain production project of 100 billion catties, supporting funds for comprehensive agricultural development in Shandong Province, and agricultural water-saving Special funds for irrigation, etc. However, China imports heavy volumes of Wheat. According to the AgFlow data, Australia led the Chinese import market with 6.3 million tons of Wheat in 2022, followed by, Canada (0.9 million tons), the United States (0.7 million tons), and France (0.6 million tons).

From the perspective of production distribution, in 2020, the top 5 areas in Shandong Province are Heze City (611.5 thousand hectares, accounting for 15.5% of the total planting area in Shandong Province), Dezhou City (539.5 thousand hectares, accounting for 13.7%), Liao City (408.5 thousand hectares, accounting for 10.4%), Jining City (344.5 thousand hectares, accounting for 8.7%), and Weifang City (315 thousand hectares, accounting for 8%), these five regions account for 56.4% of the total Wheat planting area.

The top 5 regions in production are Heze City (4 million tons, accounting for 15.6% of Henan’s total Wheat production), Dezhou City (3.7 million tons, accounting for 14.6%), Liaocheng City (2.7 million tons, accounting for 10.8%), Jining City (2.2 million tons, 8.9%), and Weifang City (2 million tons, accounting for 7.8%), these five regions accounted for 57.7% of the total Wheat output in Shandong.

Other sources: NKB

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