
Turkey: Ukraine Ships a Large Volume of Rapeseeds


Mar 13, 2023 | Agricultural Markets News

Reading time: 2 minutes

Rapeseed is known as rapiska, kolza, and Canola in Turkey. It has winter and spring types varieties. Rapeseed is one of the oilseed crops that has gained importance in Turkey since the 1960s. Significant changes are observed in the cultivation areas, and production amounts from year-to-year Rapeseed cultivation area were 53,898 hectares in 2006. Rapeseed was cultivated in the field, and 12,641 tons of product was obtained. Considering the distribution of cultivation areas by provinces, Adana province was the largest, with 17,800 hectares, having a 33% share of Turkey’s total cultivation area (2006), and 32.2% of its total production were obtained from Adana province. In this case, the geographical features of Çukurova are suitable for Canola growing. In addition, since Canola can be planted alternately with other crops and is ideal for second-crop application, its cultivation was becoming widespread in Çukurova. 

Due to the agricultural production advantages, it is seen that the areas allocated to Rapeseed production are expanding in the long term. Rape was brought to Turkey by the Balkans. Geographical regions other than the Eastern Black Sea region in Turkey are suitable for Rapeseed cultivation in terms of climatic conditions. Both summer and winter Rapeseed varieties can be produced in Turkey. It grows well on well-drained soils where pH levels can be changed between 5.5 and 8.3.

The winter types of Rapeseeds can be grown in Trakya, Marmara, and Black see regions, and spring types can be grown in Turkey’s Mediterranean, Aegean, and Southeast Anatolian regions. Rapeseed is useful in crop rotation with cereals for decreasing root diseases, increasing soil organic matter, and sustainable agriculture. In general, Rapeseed plant, which has a shorter vegetation period than other oilseed plants, can be produced in winter and summer in all regions of Turkey where grain farming can be done.

According to a calculation based on TUIK data, Turkey’s Rapeseed supply, which was 94,493 tons in 2000/01, increased by about 105% and reached 193,635 tons in 2019/20, while domestic Rapeseed use increased by 101,4% from 92,753 tons to 186,815 tons. The annual average of Rapeseed supply in Turkey during the periods subject to the research was calculated as 210,752 tons, and the yearly average of domestic use of Rapeseed was estimated as 205,888 tons. As of 2019, Rapeseed consumption per capita in Turkey is 2.2 kg, and the degree of domestic use of Rapeseed is 95.1%. The season of 2014/15 showed a maximum supply and consumption of around 500,000 tons. According to AgFlow data, Turkey imported 112,414 tons of Rapeseed from Ukraine and 29,844 tons of Rapeseed oil from Russia in 2022.

Depending on the rapidly increasing population and changing consumption habits, the demand for vegetable oil is also growing, but Turkey’s domestic production is not enough to meet this demand. Vegetable oil consumption per capita in Turkey is 34.7 kg as of 2019, and the ratio of the domestic output to meet consumption stands at 66.4%. In this case, Turkey can meet the vegetable oil supply deficit that has increased in recent years through imports. It is a net importer in the vegetable oil sector and wants to reduce its foreign dependency.

Turkey’s Support for Rapeseed

Turkey is committed to increasing and diversifying oilseed production, an essential input in this sector. Despite the soil structure, within the scope of agricultural support policies, Turkey encourages Rapeseed production to meet the oilseed supply deficit and diversify oilseed production with various support tools. In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry provided discount support of 17 TL for diesel, 4 TL for Rapeseed production within the scope of agricultural fertilizer, 4 TL for domestic certified seed use, 1.20 TL for domestic accredited seed production, 40 TL for sample soil analysis and 10 TL for solid organic-mineral fertilizer support.


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